Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cooking in Paradise, Part One

February 10-11-12, 2011

Apologies for the delay in starting the Maui-Blog, jet-lag and overall time required to acclimate to the rigors of island life have stymied my intent to blog sooner.

A synopsis of my time since touchdown....

I left Philly on Thursday at 7am...actually I awoke at 4am, quietly showered, hugged the dog, kissed the lovely M goodbye and burned some rubber on I-95 towards PHL airport. A decent flight to PHX even though there was a 28 DAY OLD newborn on my left and an 8-month-old on my right! The newborn was real good, the 8-month old was OK. I grabbed a quesadilla at the airport and scored a cheap upgrade to the forward cabin for the 7-hour glide to Maui.

We landed almost an hour early. I was greeted by my client and we made the 45 minute trex to west maui and their home on Kaanapali Beach. A relaxing evening filled with laughter and adult beverages followed. I lost my ability to function at about 11pm, not from the beverages, but from lack of sleep. The first night was brutal, awakening every couple of hours. Finally at 5am I waved the white flag and got up. My client had caught some 'Jack' fish the day prior so that was the requested breakfast. I crushed some Ritz crackers and roasted the freshly caught fish. A little odd for the start of the day I have to admit, but it tasted good!

The weather was perfect for a sail and since my client had recently purchased a 50-foot catamaran, it seemed appropriate to go sailing and whale watching.

My client's daughter-in-law insisted on bringing lunch food, so I was off the hook. We took the dingy out to the boat and set out for the afternoon. Very shortly we were greeted by whales on all directions. The whale spray looks so cool, but the scent of it is nothing short of fowl. We headed towards Lanai to snorkel. We found a sandy spot within a cluster of coral to drop the hook, let the undersea exploration begin. I stayed aboard to man the vessel as everyone else checked out the undersea life. Within the hour we were greeted by a passing shower, and thus our cue to head back to Kaanapali, where the sun awaited.

I had little time to scare up dinner after we left the Cat, dinner consisted of Grilled BBQ Chicken, Salad, Steamed Broccoil (Trees) and Cauliflower. Appetizers of baguette with tapenade. All appreciated the meal and I even made extra for re-purposing later in the week! Pillow time came fast as I found myself fast asleep by 9pm (shhhhhh...don't tell anyone!)

I awoke Saturday feeling complete rest and ready to go! I made some additional fish for my client as a breakfast and then headed to the fitness center for some exercise. I also tried my hand at paddle boarding. It requires alot of balance and I enjoyed it, but I need more time before I post photos!

I ran out to the market about 11am to grab what I needed for dinner. With a side-by-side fridge, shopping every day, while not the easiest, becomes the norm. Prices were crazy, but I found what I needed.

From noon until 3pm I cooked/prepped dinner. It was tough looking out at the beach, surf and people but that is life cooking in Paradise! Dinner was a success. Tomorrow could be a tough day....

Seems the Captain want's to go sailing with the entire family. Early to rise will be the rule. I need to plan lunch for the boat and also have dinner in my back pocket ready to go as live entertainment has been hired for the evening! Geez! I best get some rest... Here is a view that I see almost every day. More tomorrow, thanks for reading and please tell others!

Eat Well...Or Don't Eat At All!
Chef Theo

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