Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Boat Appetite

Sunday was 'Family Day on the Boat' We all took the dingy ride out to the sailing vessel 'No Wiki' for an afternoon of whale watching and snorkeling. This all sounds great, right? Sure it is, but I needed to create a move-able feast for lunch and simultaneously have a plan in place for dinner upon our arrival back at the house.

I pulled a technique out of the 1970's, The Crock
Pot!That, paired with a tried and true recipe from the Lovely Chef Melissa and before 8am I had dinner bubbling away with fingers crossed for
a 6pm service.

Unfortunately, there was not enough wind to move the Lagoon 500 at more than a few knots, so we motored out to an area where Captain Mark knew would be teaming with whales. Man, he did not disappoint!

Check out the photo to the right and the video below!
Close Encounter Whale Video

After the whale encounter we motored over to a very awesome reef for some snorkeling. On the way over, I laid out the lunch spread seen below. Also, there is a shot of the galley area.

Here is a quick overview from me in the galley:
One on One with Chef Theo

And for those sailors out there interested in a tour of the boat:
Tour of No Wiki

Aloha for now, next post is the Valentine's Day Experience!
Thanks for reading and tell all your friends.
Eat Well...Or Don't Eat At All!
Chef Theo

1 comment:

  1. Hey man...great whale shots. See you're working hard as usual!
